Three delicious recipes for kiwi fruit

PROSA > Useful Tips > Three delicious recipes for kiwi fruit

Three delicious recipes for kiwi fruit

PROSA > Useful Tips > Three delicious recipes for kiwi fruit

Boost your immune system with this fruit.

Are you worried about fighting viruses? You should know that it is possible to boost your immunity naturally, thanks to a few simple dietary changes. Fruit plays an important role in boosting the body's defences, so here are a few tips.

When we talk about fighting colds and viruses in general, vitamin C is one of the first things that comes to mind, but today we're going to look at antioxidants. Why antioxidants? Because they play an important role in reducing cell death, as well as promoting the development of white blood cells, which are central to destroying harmful bacteria.

And in truth, who wouldn't want their body to have more ability to repair itself?

Healthy antioxidant fruits: cherry and kiwi.

Cherries are rich in flavonoids, which have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and disease-preventing properties. This means that cherries have great power to eliminate oxidation by-products and prevent ageing, help reduce inflammation in the body and contribute to the control of chronic diseases.

Kiwifruit provide several nutrients with strong antioxidant properties. They are a source of vitamins A, C and E, three vitamins with important properties in eliminating reactive oxygen species, and are also known for their ability to boost the body's defences against pathogenic micro-organisms.

These two fruits are not only delicious but also good for your health!